I'd say that New York is amazing and brilliant and exciting and wonderful and I'm sure it is, to some people.
I gotta begin by sayin' that I ain't no small town thang. Now that we've got that covered...
It's big and huge and full and interesting and kinda scary and a little overwhelming. Then again, our business was in the Times Square area and we had no time to go exploring anywhere else. Me saying that I don't dig the Big Apple is like you saying that you hate apple pie when all you've tried is the crust. Unfair, I know; which is why I never said I didn't like it.
There was a bit of culture shock though, just a little. It's so full of people! More than Burning Man! and all crammed onto that little island of Manhattan with all the tourists and everything... crazy!
I was told that people in NYC are mean, rude, assholes, jerk-offs, you name it. I do believe, that I was misinformed by a great many people. I found that while they're not going to hang around and ask about your uncle's wife's cousins when you need directions, they will tell you where to go, how to get there and why you should be there. They will do this quickly, concisely and with a smile; which I found quite refreshing, because I didn't care to ask how their uncle's wife's cousin is doing either.
Amen to short and sweet.
Can I get a hallelujah?
That's right.
As I said, we were there on business... Adventure business! More specifically, my partner in both love and petty crime (not really the petty or the crime) is a custom treasure-hunt designer. That's right, people. Treasure hunts and adventures for the masses or the individual or 60 investment bankers. Some of it was confounding, some brilliant; it was a hoot, it was a holler and it was definitely an experience I'll never forget.
If I've piqued your curiosity and you have the bank for our bang, here's the website:
Briefly, each adventure is custom tailored to fit the participant's own vision of action (or not)-packed fun. Oftentimes a participant doesn't even know they're getting a treasure hunt for their birthday... They're sitting at home when a strange knock, rap, rap, raps on the door. "Who might that be at this time? I'm not expecting anyone?" They answer and find a strange stranger who hands them their first clue... and it begins.
*note- that is but one of many fabulously intriguing ways to start a hunt- I can't go giving away all the secrets*
I'm certain I have some pictures somewhere...
Ah yes, the below image is an example of a visual clue wherein the participant knows the block it's on and gets to keep their eyes peeled until they see what's in the picture. Then they have a good idea of where to look for the next one.

Yeah, I know I'm a shameless promoter.